I have been carrying a notebook with me everywhere I go for two years. When I think of topics to write about, I jot them down. When I first started writing it was all fiction. I have several unfinished pieces that will be re-visited at a later date. But as I was writing fiction I felt like the story of Annie Lynn needed to come out. At times it was difficult to write, as it may be difficult to read as well. But, I kept pushing through. When it first started it was more like a journal and publishing wasn’t on my radar. As I spent the last year writing I knew it should be published. It ended up being a very cathartic piece and I feel stronger and more empowered than I have in my entire life. It started as five pages, then ten and it kept growing until the book was finished. Please enjoy, and prepare yourself for my next novel.

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Join me on the Interational Book Show webinar on Sunday, June 30th

Register to watch The International Book Show (webinar) hosted by Makonnen Sankofa on Sunday 30th June.  FREE Registration!!  Register to attend an International virtual book tour and watch Annie Lynn speak about her book.  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAocuGtqTIsH9JUe48_orkLQX-iIDidR0AO This International Book Show will feature a line-up of talented authors who will each deliver […]

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