What am I listening to?
As an author writing is my focus, but I also try to read as much as I can. As a trained musician I also listen to a lot of music in a variety of genres. I spend my days writing as much as I can which leads from breakfast directly to dinner time. After a few chores I am ready to put my brain to bed and reading falls on the back burner as I drift off to sleep.
My favorite books may seem very cliché as they are romance novels most people have read, but it is what it is. You might be wondering how the books that I read correlate to what I currently listen to on repeat. I have spent the most time submerged in books by Nicholas Sparks. Yes I am that cheesy and I love the romance but stick with me. The first Sparks book I read was “The Notebook.” I prefer to read books before I see the movie as was the case with this book and movie. I cried as I read and then I cried my eyes out the entire 124 minutes of the movie. (Believe it or not “The Notebook” isn’t my favorite of the Sparks movies or books -we’ll get into that another day.) The music in “The Notebook” was well themed and highlighted the emotional aspects of the movie. When Allie played the Chopin Prelude on the piano I fell apart.
Here I am twenty years later and this beautiful book-turned-movie has become a Broadway musical. I knew flying to NYC to take in Noah and Allie’s journey on the stage was out of the question for the foreseeable future so I did the next best thing- I began listening to the recording for the musical over and over, everyday. I listen and think about when my time will come to make it to the northeast to be delighted by their music in person. My preferences of music vary from day to day, season to season but at this time “The Notebook” on Broadway is what captivates my interest. I find it interesting how the creative outlet of writing inspired a well-loved movie with charming music. Then it was taken one step further into the world of music taking it all the way to Broadway. Can we even count how many artistic minds collaborated on each of these? The old saying goes we should stop and smell the roses. I believe we should stop, read, watch and listen a little more. Enjoy what creative minds have put in front of you.
What are you reading, watching or listening to?